Ya know the old saying that “Everything is bigger in Texas?” Over the unique history of this state, Texans have nurtured a huge sense of humor. There are 254 Texas counties spread across approximately 1,000 cities and towns. The settlers who named these locales are long lost to history. Either they had little imagination or a wacky funny bone. Here’s a handful for your amusement:
Need to be cheered up? Move to:
Happy, Texas
Pep, Texas
Smiley, Texas
Paradise, Texas
Rainbow, Texas
Sweet Home, Texas
Comfort, Texas
Friendship, Texas
Love the Sun? Vacation in:
Sun City, Texas
Sunrise, Texas
Sunset, Texas
Sundown, Texas
Sunray, Texas
Sunny Side, Texas
Want something to eat? Pick a diner in:
Bacon, Texas
Noodle, Texas
Oatmeal, Texas
Turkey, Texas
Trout, Texas
Sugar Land, Texas
Salty, Texas
Rice, Texas
And top it off with:
Sweetwater, Texas
Why travel to other cities?
Albany , TX
Atlanta , TX
Boston , Texas
Buffalo , TX
Colorado City , Texas
Denver City , Texas
Detroit , Texas
Jacksonville , TX
Klondike , Texas
Nevada , Texas
Memphis , Texas
Miami , Texas
Montgomery , TX
Newark , TX
Nome , TX
Reno , Texas
Santa Fe , Texas
Tennessee Colony, Texas
Feel like traveling outside the country? Don’t bother buying a plane
Athens, Texas
Canadian, Texas
China, Texas
Egypt, Texas
Ireland, Texas
Turkey, Texas
London, Texas
New London, Texas
Paris, Texas
No need to travel to Washington D.C.
Whitehouse , Texas
We even have a city named after our planet!
Earth , Texas
We’re so proud of our state, we even have a city named after.
Texas City , Texas
Energy , Texas
Blanket , Texas
Winters, Texas
Texans like history, too:
Santa Anna , Texas
Goliad , Texas
Alamo , Texas
Gun Barrel City , Texas
Robert Lee , Texas
Need Office Supplies?
Staples, Texas
Men are from Mars, women are from –
Venus , Texas
You guessed it… it’s on the state line…
Texline , Texas
Texarkana , Texas
Lake Texoma ,
For the kids…
Kermit, Texas
Elmo, Texas
Nemo, Texas
Tarzan, Texas
Winnie, Texas
Sylvester, Texas
Other city names in Texas, to make you smile…
Frognot, Texas
Bigfoot, Texas
Hogeye, Texas
Cactus, Texas
Notrees, Texas
Best, Texas
Veribest, Texas
Kickapoo, Texas
Dime Box, Texas
Old Dime Box, Texas
Telephone, Texas
Telegraph, Texas
Whiteface, Texas
Twitty, Texas
More favorites…
Cut n Shoot, Texas
Gun Barrell City, Texas
Hoop And Holler, Texas
Ding Dong, Texas and, of course,
Muleshoe , Texas
Tow, Texas
Quote for the Day: “Life does not cease to be funny when people die, any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.” —George Bernard Shaw