Ah, the Wonderful Pain

The fog hasn’t quite lifted from my mind and my muscles are a little sore this morning. Not the kind of sore that constantly reminds you of that torturous weight machine at the gym. No, this soreness is more like a cherished souvenir.

You see, my husband and I followed through on a commitment we made to “get out” more as a family. We started Friday night with a planned trip to the Southwestern University observatory with our cub scout group. It was cold and so very dark, but the stars and planets put on quite a show on a backdrop as clear as we could have hoped. I’m not sure who was more awed – the boys or me.

Saturday, we loaded up our bikes and headed for a local park with a fantastic bike trail. It was here that I remembered how out of shape I am. After just two miles on loose granite trails, I could feel the burn.

Sunday, we hit the road early. Young son had never been to Enchanted Rock outside of Fredericksburg. So off we went. The weather promised to be gorgeous, topping out at almost 80 degrees. We interrupted our two hour drive long enough to get pictures of Llano’s famous Bald Eagles. This isn’t a typical sight in Texas, except in this particular area. They reminded us of our trip to Alaska a few years ago where we saw hundreds of these regal creatures. A select few fly south as Winter Texans.

As we approached the unmistakable granite dome of Enchanted Rock, my young son proclaimed from the back seat, “oh, that looks easy.” My husband and I looked at each other and grinned. The Rock is a huge, pink granite exfoliation dome, that rises 425 feet above ground, 1825 feet above sea level, and covers 640 acres. It is one of the largest batholiths (underground rock formation uncovered by erosion) in the United States.

Half way up the rugged trail, E asked to take a break. I laughed. The “top” did seem to be moving away. We stopped alot to notice the animal droppings and quartz lines that run throughout the mammoth rock. We talked about tectonic plates and how Central Texas was formed. We imagined how the Native Americans lived in this country so long ago. Mostly, we just had fun. Especially when we reached the summit. The wind always blows at the top, yet the 360 degree view of pristine Texas helps numb the pain when your ears begin to ache. We stayed for quite a while. My hubby and I knew that climbing down would be the pits. It was. And that’s why I’m in pain today.

By the way, around Christmas last year, my son decided he wants to have his photo taken in front of every Texas courthouse. We collected his sixth photo on this day trip. Only 248 courthouses to go.

After a quick lunch in Fredericksburg, the three of us rushed back to make it to a Super Bowl get together with our good friends, Carmen and Doug. Carmen is a fabulously talented writer and my treasured friend. Check out her website www.carmenoliver.com.

Now, I’m off to find some Motrin.

Quote for the Day: The happiest man is he who learns from nature the lesson of worship.—–Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

One Response to “Ah, the Wonderful Pain”

  1. carmenoliver

    I remember feeling that burn after a long day of hiking. Doug and I used to hike all the time in the Rockies just outside Calgary. A bath of epsom salts helps, too!

    P.S. I’m in the company of greatness their talents rub off!