A nice surprise flashed across my screen and into my mailbox this week. I’ve received a Letter of Merit from SCBWI in response to the 2012 Nonfiction Research Grant. *smiles*
Back in February, I applied for the work-in-progress grant, hoping to nab the $2000 award to offset travel and other related research expenses related to the manuscript I submitted. Alas, the big prize did not come to me but, in perusing the winners and runners-up and their titled projects, I am truly humbled to be in such talented company. Humbled and honored. According to this very special letter, on SCBWI’s signature blue-backed stationery (which currently hangs above my computer,) they received almost five hundred entries for this grant. Five hundred! There were four category winners, four runners-up, and six letters of merit. Being one of the top fourteen is incredibly flattering and yes, I must admit, it feels validating.
I send my universal thanks to the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators and to the esteemed judges who thought enough of my manuscript and it’s potential, to include me in this very small pool of recognized talent.
And, congratulations to the 486 other writers who applied/submitted for this same grant.
It takes courage to put yourself out there.
It takes strength to pull yourself up when you feel knocked down.
It takes tenacity and perseverance to trudge the road ahead.
Every rejection is a stepping stone closer to the goal.
Be brave and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Click here for information about the 2013 work-in-progress grants through SCBWI?
Coming next to the blog: An interview with author Shana Burg and a review of her new book, LAUGH WITH THE MOON (Delacorte, 2012)
Congratulations on the recognition, Donna! You're such a class act and a tremendous talent to boot!
This is simply marvelous news, Donna! I'm SO happy for you! Congratulations!!!
That's wonderful, Donna!
Kat Hunley
Thank you ever so much Cynthia, Lill, Kimberley, and Kat. It feels good:)